I’ve always thought myself to have a decent literacy when it
comes to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. They are very important to me and
hold a special place in my heart and mind. But, like everyone else, I am not
perfect. Hell, I missed 7 points during that grammar “quiz” we took the other
I guess the main issue I have is the semicolon. I’ve never
known how to use it, and I’ve never bothered to learn how/when it is
appropriate. The semicolon is like the “end” of the game Portal. You think it’s over, but you’re really only half way done. Everything
leading up to it IS EASY, METHODICAL, CALCULATED [Pattern: 3+ word list with no commas]. But once I get to a spot I
believe a semicolon should go, I instead change the entire structure of the
sentence (sometimes even the entire paragraph) to avoid using it completely. I
find it sad that at the age of 25 I still don’t know how to properly use this
mark of punctuation.
You had said yesterday that the structure surrounding the
use of a semicolon looks like this:
"General statement; detailed statement."
Off hand, I don’t have any personal examples from my writing
due to my habit of avoiding semicolons like the plague. Honestly, I just really
don’t know what I could write as an example sentence other than what I just
have. This is exactly why I would thoroughly enjoy learning about the many uses
of the semicolon and the contexts in which it is appropriate.
Something else I need to work on is learning and memorizing
the different parts of speech. It’s not often I am able to sit down with
someone and discuss things like this, so they never have the opportunity to
stick in my mind. I can remember noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, and adjective,
but the others always find a way to escape my memory. I believe it would be
very beneficial to be able to look at a sentence with a student and really
explain what’s going on so that they’ll understand writing better.
For example: Jonny is my best friend.
I want to be able to say, “Oh! There’s the noun and the
verb! We can substitute ‘Johnny’ for ‘he’ (a pronoun) here since you’ve used
his name in the last sentence.” That to me would be great and would help
improve my own writing too.
Lastly, I believe that working on sentence structure is a
must for me as a writer. I have always been prone to compound and complex sentences.
I just love using them, but I do it too often. My sentences end up being very
lengthy and drawn out because I always try to cram as much information, or
artistic freedom, and possible into each one. Most of my sentences within this
blog most likely follow this trend.
Here’s an example of an extremely long and drawn out
sentence I wrote during my English 351 class last Spring:
“Ripples blossomed outward from the toes of his boots,
disrupting the clear image of his face, turning it into something disfigured
and ugly -- barely recognizable in the gleam of sunlight reflecting off of the
waves’ crests.”
I realize now, after reading further into that prompt, that
I should also work on sentence variation as well. I have an entire paragraph
that, although was part of an artistic piece of writing, used one clause
sentences throughout. No sentence variation at all. As a writer, I’m not famous
enough to get away with that yet. Haha.
ReplyDeleteI definitely feel your pain on the overlong, overly-complex and over-complicated sentences. That's going to be a tough habit to break.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your statement on sentence structure. I am also to prone to writing long complex sentences when they can easily be simplified. For some reason my mind tells me that it will make me sounds smarter, but in reality it just makes me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about.
ReplyDeletelisten up, all ye writers of long sentences: KEEP IT UP!!! Long sentences are only a problem if they're really just simple sentences strung along or if they otherwise lack syntactic variety or if they're punctuated incorrectly.
ReplyDeleteSorry about my awful handwriting on the board: I was talking about colons, not semicolons:
Did you forget patttern-of-the-week? or did I just overlook it, gleefully carried along by your lovely prose style?